Elephant in My Heart

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ELEPHANT CRISIS 35,000 killed last year. “Elephant In My Heart” was written to awaken humanity to the plight of the elephants.”  Donations gratefully accepted to support the work of the artist. A portion of net proceeds distributed to Elephant Conservation Groups.

CLICK HERE to buy Single “Elephant In My Heart” – Soleil Dakota

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MARCH AGAINST EXTINCTION. Join the annual Global March for Elephants and Rhinos Oct 4th in 114 cities around the world. WATCH the inspiring highlights and excepts of speakers, including my performance of “Elephant In My Heart” at the March in San Francisco.

Info at: http://www.MarchForElephants.org (locally SF)  http://www.march4elephantsandrhinos.org (globally).

Elephant In My Heart - Music Video  Soleil Performance 3

Elephant In My Heart - Music Video  Boycott Ivory

Elephant In My Heart - Music Video  yellow heart with elephant

Elephant In My Heart - Music Video  Soleil singing 2

I was inspired to write “Elephant In My Heart” as part of my Songs For Humanity Project after hearing Elephant Conservation Activist Marty Perlmutter speak at our local TV station. His impassioned and intelligent plea to Save the Elephants touched my heart.  Besides being majestic and intelligent animals, elephants are vital to maintain forests and preserve ecological harmony.  To spread the elephant advocacy message with the world, I interviewed Marty on my Marin TV show “Musical Medicine with Soleil Dakota.”  In the interview, Marty speaks about Chelsea Clinton’s passion for these majestic animals, and the Clinton Global Initiative’s efforts to save them. Elephants are crucial to our ecosystem. Chelsea Clinton has described elephants as “sort of the honeybees of the African savannah or their forest environment.”

Listen to Marty Perlmutter’s informative interviews below.

Part 1 – Soleil interviews guest Marty Perlmutter, Elephant Conservation Activist.

Part 2 – Soleil interviews guest Marty Perlmutter, Elephant Conservation Activist.

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